Non-English Programmer Cheatsheet

Reading a books, blogs and other resources I found out that when I’m analysing code, I’m doing it in my native language. Someone have this?
I’m talking about do You know how to call * { [ ! ? in english?
It’s usefull to know it, especially when You think about discussions with other developers in english.

Please correct me if I’m wrong with some symbol, or I didn’t know about some more common name.

Programming Symbol: Name:
(  ) Parenthesis / Parens
[ ] Brackets
{ } Braces
; Semicolon
. Dot
: Colon
, Comma
Quotation mark
 ‘ Apostrophe / Single Quote
? Question mark
! Exclamation mark
< Less-than sign / Opening angle
> Greater-than sign / Closing angle
= Equal sign
% Percent sign
+ Plus Sign
Minus Sign
* Asterisk
/ Slash
\ BackSlash
& Ampersand
_ Underscore
@ At
$ Dollar sign

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